Nugget - Bitter Hop
- Breeding Properties:
Nugget is a high alpha variety with high yield originally developed through the USDA program at Oregon State University from a cross made in 1970 and registered much later in 1984. The variety is tolerant to a wide range of soil conditions and thus grows vigorously in all areas. Nugget is also grown in the German Hallertau.
- Technical Data: (HPLC & Oil componets)
Alpha Acids: 11.5 - 14.0 %
Beta Acids: 3.0 - 5.0 %
Cohumulone: 22 - 30 % of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.9 - 1.3 ml/100g
Myrcene: 27 - 42 % of total oil
Humulene: 16 - 19 % of total oil
Caryophyllenne: 7 - 10 % of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
Storage Stability: -5℃ ~ 0℃ whole oil